Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I've been reading Zen Habit's blog for a while and he has another one about changing habits and doing only 6 in a year so that the likely hood of actually doing them is increased drastically.  Here's a link to one about starting a new habit (i.e. exercise) and how to go about it I found particularly useful.

I've gotta say the idea of public accountability is pretty good. If you tell everyone what your habit change is going to be then you're going to feel the need to keep it up more than if no one but yourself knows about it.  It's interesting that we are more accountable to others than ourselves, but I think that says a lot about how we feel about ourselves sometimes too.  One of the things I need to do most is stop eating sugar.  It's terrible for me an I have an awful sugar tooth.  Worse than all the other things like dairy and wheat!  So I guess my public proclamation will be to give up sugar for ALL of 2011.  Scary, but I'll try it one day at a time.  And keep tabs here and my FB page.  We'll see how that goes.