Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 7...(cue dramatic music!)

I've done remarkably well staying away from sugar and I must stay I've feeling a LOT better!  I eat quite a bit of fruit, but I know that's good for me and I'm not going over board with it. Well except today.  I went grocery shopping and I think I've eaten half the groceries.  It was really the first day I got any real sugar cravings and it might have been because being a slave to hormones, or that I've had such a bizarre and sleep altered (rather sleepless) week that it just caught up to me.  So despite the desire to find cake and ice cream and eat 12 pounds of each. I've not done so. 
I did manage not to eat any sugar today, but did some damage on some pistachios which will be filling in any area of my jeans not currently stretched to the limit.   It seems one of the hardest parts of this journey is keeping the journal.  I believe this is important to really understand what nutrients I'm getting, how many calories I really am taking in and how I've burned my energy.  Whoever designed the cellphone app is great!  It's showing me more information and patterns than I assumed it would.  Now if I could figure out how to add 2-3 more hours to my day to add exercise and meditation.  

Sunday, January 2, 2011

And so it begins 1•1•11 Day 1

I have decided to go a whole year without sugar.  or rather processed or added sugar.  This does not include the sugar found in fruits or veggies that is natural.  It's a step towards better health and trying to find a way to get my big ol' butt into some of the clothes that are sitting in storage and so I can maybe get some of my life back.
Has a LOT of good advice about making life changes so that you increase the likelihood that you succeed.  Though I've been in bed for 7 bloody long and boring days,  I actually got up and went out and walked down to the beach up another road and back to my house. I was only planning on being out for a few minutes but I got caught up in the dusk and how it made the sky and water seamless so I took some pictures though I have yet to figure out how to send files from my phone to my computer.  I'm a bit of a techno moron sadly.
So I got out and got some exercise AND made it through the day without eating any added sugar (the evil white stuff!  Worse than crack!)
I actually really like fruit so hopefully that will keep any kind of cravings from getting too out of control.