I've been going to church with my dad on Sundays. I'm not particularly a church goer though I have nothing against it in general. It's been a time I get to spend with my dad that is very relaxed as we go for a bite to eat at a diner afterwards. The hardest part of it is getting up to be there for 10:30. I work nights and with exhaustion from Lupus/Fibromyalgia it is a challenge since getting to work is an even bigger one.
People getting together to worship and honor the Maker is a fine idea. When they start getting bogged down with dogma and comparing themselves with others is when I start taking umbrage with it. self-righteous behavior is extremely distasteful with me since we all fall short of the glory which is God. If you start pointing out differences between yourself and others and looking down on them for it, you are no longer 'loving your neighbor as yourself' since you're basically being a judgmental ass instead. Doesn't the good book say to judge not least ye be judged? It might behoove a few church goers in this world to actually read the Bible as a whole book and specifically the words of Jesus before they start pointin' fingers and getting all puffed up about how they're better than another. If they actually read the words of Jesus he specifically speaks out against such behavior and I often have to remind myself of that when I'm being critical of others or shout at another driver to discover his 'fucking turn signals' on his car. I know I have a long way to go.
I've found the messages of Buddhism to have almost the identical messages of Christianity. In fact all the major religions have basically a similar message but with slightly different points of view and a few rules that are specific to themselves but not necessarily the word of God. When all these religions fight, they are fighting over how each perceives the same God. Allah and God are the same thing. It always strikes me as two fleas arguing over what a dog is.
The "Ten Grave Precepts' of Buddhism are as follows
1 Do not kill
2 Do not steal
3 Honor the body - don't misuse sexuality
4 Don't cloud the mind (for example don't walk around drunk or stoned all the time)
5 Do not lie
6 Don't speak ill of others faults or mistakes. Don't gossip
7 Don't elevate yourself and blame others
8 Give generously. Do not be withholding
9 Do not be Angry
10 Do not defile the three treasure: Buddha, Dharma, and the Sanga.
Basically it's very much like the Ten Commandments.
We are all alike more than we know. When we move to find what is alike with someone we will be surprised to see how much there is. Differences aren't as great as we think they are.
While I don't think I'll be joining my father's Church any time soon, but I will enjoy the time I get to spend with him there and after having a bite to eat.